
Year 6-7 Transition


Open Evening 

We are excited to invite all Year 6 students and their families to our Open Evening on Wednesday 25th September, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Come and see what makes Granville Academy one of the top schools in Derbyshire for academic outcomes (2023/4). This summer, we celebrated students achieving over 300 of the top grades across all subjects with nearly two thirds of our students achieving a grade 5 or above in Maths and nearly three quarters of our students achieving at least a grade four in English.

Whilst outcomes are important, Granville Academy is more than just results. Visit us to witness the various curricula, extracurricular and leadership opportunities on offer for all. Our offer is rich. Our offer is exciting. Last year we ran over 30 trips and offered over 200 enrichment activities. This holistic experience supports our young people to become well grounded, rounded individuals; well prepared for their next destination and for life beyond our academy.

Granville Academy is on a journey of success, constantly striving to provide the best for our young people and the families we serve.

Come see our journey in action. Speak to our students, who are our true ambassadors, visit departments and speak to our staff.

There will be two talks from our Executive Principal and Senior Vice Principal. To book a space at either talk, please book via this form:

Open evening 1



We appreciate that the move from primary to secondary school is an important transition for both the child and the parent/carers. The fear of moving on this next phase of a child's education is challenging for many students in any given year, but in the last few years, we acknowledge that the loss of schooling, and interruption of social interaction, may have left many more students being less prepared than previous years, and therefore, many more young people may find this move more challenging and stressful than traditionally seen. As such our Transition Programme centres around the child.

Preparing for your transition to Granville? Wondering what to expect upon arrival? Hear first-hand experiences from students, teachers, and parents as they share insights into their Granville journey. 

During the first few weeks that Secondary placements are announced, Parents/Carers will be sent transfer applications forms. If you have moved since putting the application in, or you have not received yours, the forms can be found here: Student Data Form and Eligibility Checking Form Please ensure that these are returned to the Academy before Transition Day. 

Every year, we review and build on our Transition programme. Parents and young people can expect as a minimum;

- A tour of the Academy before Transition day

- A Transition day 

- Opportunities to communicate with Key Staff from Easter (online via Showbie) 

- Personalised answers to questions

- Access to Transition work and resources, released on a weekly basis

- Student and Parental Voice questionnaires

- Language Option questionnaire 

- Peer to Peer guide and advice

- If your child has identified SEND, you may have enhanced transition. Email contact will be made from our SEND Team

If you wish to speak to a member of staff regarding Transition, please contact Miss Hewart, Transition Lead on email: or via telephone: 01283 216765 

Transition Support Links that parents/carers and Year 6 students might find useful to ease worries and concerns:

BBC Bitesize   - This link will provide you with some useful hints about starting secondary school.

Get My Grades - Guide to Starting Year 7   - A blog with key things to think about.

The Spark - Spark asked their team of children and counsellors to write some tips for students about transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7.

Young Minds  - Young Minds have created a "Find your feet" video all about students and their fears over joining secondary school.

BBC series “our school which is all around following students new to Y7.


Frequently asked questions: 

ParentPay - students will be given login details for parents/carers within the first week of them starting at Granville Academy. If there any are queries, please contact Miss Whiddett at the Academy. 

Link to ParentPay Support/ FAQ:

Class Charts app - parents and carers will be sent an email invite to activate the app within the first few weeks of September once students have received their iPads. 

iPads - information about iPad payments and iPad contracts will be given to students at the beginning of September. 

Uniform - for information about our uniform, please click here

Term Dates - for information about our Term dates here

Free School Meals, please click here If your child is Free School Meals at primary, this will transfer over to us when your child joins the Academy. 

Young Carers - if you think your child may be a young carer, please follow here for further details and support available 

Please take the time to look at our current Prospectus