Online Safety

Online Safety Policy 

Our children are now growing up in a digital world and whilst the internet brings with it lots of benefits, it can also be present risks to children that they would otherwise not be exposed to. During their time with us, students will be educated about how to keep themselves safe online through their ICT and values lessons as well as through assemblies and the tutor time programme. Further details of our online safety education offer is set out in the Trust Online Safety Policy (link above).

For parents/carers, it can be daunting to know how to keep children safe online and so information and
resources are provided below to support you.


If your child has been subjected to online abuse, exploitation or made to feel uncomfortable online by something that happens, you can contact the police via the CEOP Report Abuse button below and they will investigate: 

Each month, we provide a monthly newsletter to our parents and carers, each with a different online safety theme. We also share an annual parental controls booklet which sets out how to set up parental controls across different devices, operating systems and apps.

The latest version of the parental controls booklet can be found here - Parental Controls Booklet 2024 

The most recent online safety newsletters can be found below:

​Online Safety Newsletter - September 2024 

Online Safety Newsletter - July 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - June 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - May 2024 

​Online Safety Newsletter - April 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - March 2024 

​Online Safety Newsletter - February 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - January 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - December 2023 

Online Safety Newsletter - November 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - October 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - September 2023


In addition to the above newsletters, a number of short ‘how to’ parental control videos have been produced by Knowsley CLC and these can be accessed here: 

Vodafone also offer a wealth of advice and resources for parents/carers via their Digital Parenting website. The website can be accessed here: