Safeguarding Introduction


Safeguarding contact details:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr Royston-Webb - Email: 

Safeguarding Officer: Mrs K Brookes  -Email: 

Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Y Elder - Email:

Safeguarding Governor: Mrs K Harris - Email:


In the event of an emergency, where a child is at risk, the police should be called on 999

If you have a safeguarding concern outside of Academy term dates (i.e. during the school holidays), these can be raised by emailing ''

Safeguarding Policy


Everyone working at the Granville Academy shares a common objective to keep children and young people safe by active contribution to, and participation in –

  • Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn, develop and feel safe.
  • Identifying children and young people who may be at risk of harm.
  • Working to support those children and young people identified as being in need or at risk of harm by collaboration with multi-agency professionals.
  • Commitment to active participation in all mandatory safeguarding training events as well as regular updates and briefings.


We have a number of staff that have undertaken enhanced safeguarding training across the academy. This team consists of all members of the Academy Leadership Team and all Heads of Year as shown below:

GA Safeguarding Team Sept 24

Multi-agency approach

Granville Academy is committed to the safeguarding of all our students.  As such, we understand that multi-agency working is essential in safeguarding children. Our duty to protect the students in our care from significant harm, depends on our effective joint working with a range of external agencies including both statutory and non-statutory services.  We work in close partnership with a
number of local services in order to support our students and their families.

A group of students from across the academy have worked together to design a booklet for students to outline a range of different support services available to them.  The booklet aims to raise awareness of the array of support that is available for students as well as to outline referral routes whilst also breaking down possible barriers for students accessing the services.  The booklet can be accessed by clicking here: Student Services Booklet

Follow the link to the Community Update from the Derbyshire County Council to search for a wide range of services and support on offer: Community Update