Anti-Bullying Strategy
The definition of bullying
“When a person and/or group of people repeatedly hurt, cause harm to or intimidate another person and / or a group of people. This behaviour is intentional and is meant to cause hurt or upset to the person / group.” Repeatedly- The behaviour is continued over a period of time and takes place more than once. Intentional- This behaviour has taken place on purpose, with the purpose of upsetting / hurting someone. Bullying behaviour usually occurs when a person / group holds more power over someone else. Bullying can take place in several different forms: -
Physical: Physically hurting another individual or group. Such as kicking or hitting.
Verbal: Verbal comments made towards an individual or group. E.g. name calling, using negative language.
Indirect: Having an impact on another individual or group by acting in a negative way towards other individuals e.g. spreading rumours.
Cyber: Any form of repeated inappropriate behaviour online towards an individual or group of people.
Bullying behaviour can involve comments regarding:
- Race Culture
- Religion Sexual
- Orientation
- Gender
- Appearance
- Special Educational Needs
- Disabilities
- Home circumstances
- Family background
Dealing with bullying within the Academy
In the circumstances above, these bullying incidents will be taken very seriously by the academy and staff will ensure that those experiencing bullying and the perpetrators are fully supported.
Bullying is classed as an adverse childhood experience (ACE) and can have a negative impact on the victim. An ACE can be defined as the following: - “Potentially traumatic events that take place during childhood (before the age of 18), which can have a detrimental effect on a child in adulthood.”
Bullying is not occasional falling out, relational conflict, fallings out with friends or a split from a group of friends.
If someone feels that they are being bullied but there is no substantive evidence then this will be classed as perceived bullying and the person will be supported in the same way as any other bullying incident.
Preventative measures
1. All students in the academy have a secure understanding of what bullying is. This includes the difference between bullying and relational conflict.
2. The academy will raise awareness of the nature of bullying through assemblies, form time activities and values lessons across all year groups.
3. We will participate in national and local initiatives such as Anti-Bullying Week each year.
4. We will have an Anti-Bullying Strategy at the academy, where students are encouraged to have a proactive involvement in preventing bullying incidents from occurring.
5. We will maintain a team of Anti-Bullying Mentors (trained students) to help raise awareness and are available for peer-on-peer support as required.
6. We will seek to develop links with the wider community that will support inclusive anti-bullying education. This will include links with the local primary and secondary schools to promote Anti-Bullying initiatives.
7. We will engage with the student body by having regular Student Voice meetings, Anti-Bullying Mentor meetings, Student Leadership meetings to discuss the topic of bullying and initiatives in school.
8. Anti-Bullying Mentors will work with the Pastoral Team to support students in school and run initiatives across the year.
9. Pastoral staff will be available to speak with students and deal with bullying incidents appropriately.
10. We will inform parents/carers via social media and the school website of any generic issues related to bullying or social media issues.
We are really proud of our Anti-Bullying Mentor Team. These students can be identified by their purple ties. All students went through a rigorous application and interview process, have had specific training and receive supervision by Mr Tempest, our Head of Year 9.